Pintado con rotuladores y maderas de colores, en un Din A3. Después lo he retocado en digital.

"Los galanes lucen tatuajes,
fuman opio las mujeres
y beben ardientes brevajes
que encienden raros placeres"
E. Carrère. La Esfera, Madrid 1914.
y beben ardientes brevajes
que encienden raros placeres"
E. Carrère. La Esfera, Madrid 1914.
This drawing is an assignment, its history is long .. I don't want to bore you, I put an appointment in return (I hope you like my friend Lolo). I take with the best Alphonse M. Mucha.
I painted it with markers and colored pencils in a Din A3. Then I've retouched it digitally.
I painted it with markers and colored pencils in a Din A3. Then I've retouched it digitally.