Para los nativos americanos todo lo existente tenía un significado oculto, una enseñanza que aprender y transmitir. El arte del tatuaje para ellos no era sólo la creción de buenos diseños de futuro más bien fue un intento de representar y comunicar ese significado oculto de la realidad. El tatuaje como tal, se considera una actividad espiritual y no una tendencia de la moda.
Este dibujo, fue hecho para un cliente que quería un tatuaje con un lobo y algún símbolo nativo americano. El original mide aproximádamente 20 cms. de alto por 12 de ancho. Realizado en lápiz, grafito. Espero que os guste.
The tattoos between the native Americans (vulgarly known like Indians) were taken like symbol from estatus. They were also a form to represent the cultural connections with the lineage of an individual and its inheritance. At the same time its art is symbolism and iconography by this has stayed, due to its creative designs and with force. They resort to the natural elements surrounded that them and the designs often seem for us outside the box.
For the native Americans all the existing one had an hidden meaning, an education that to learn and to transmit. The art of the tattoo for them was not only the creation of good designs of future rather was an attempt to represent and to communicate that hidden meaning of the reality. The tattoo like so, considers a spiritual activity and not a tendency of the fashion.
This drawing, was done for a client who wanted a tattoo with a wolf and some American native symbol. The original one measures approximately 20 cms. of stop by 12 of width. Realised in pencil, graphite. I hope that you like.
Me encanta este disenho, muy buena la presentacion, felicidadez x el trabajo